A new year with new challenges

The summer holiday and the exams are finally behind us and before us await new challenges. But first some good news. Last week we had a successful ignition of the 2″inch propellant test assembly. The data will be analysed in the coming days. This successful test brings us one step closer to the development of a solid motor for the program.

Even more good news is that we had a first meeting with a potential main sponsor. They were very enthusiastic and we are invited to a next meeting. Hopefully we can come to an agreement which will make both parties very happy. Signing a deal will mean giant progress in the funding of this project, but will not be enough. We will keep looking for other parties which can help us with supplies (like carbon, propellant ingredients, electronic components, clothing and travel) and we are looking for people who are interested to fly on our rocket in one or more of our payload slots.

The next deadline approaching is the launch day of 17 September. During this day a Stratos test rocket is scheduled to be launched. The production is in full gear but not all parts are delivered yet… During the test the new recovery system will analysed.

We are recruiting

We are recruiting

Join us in shaping the future of European reusable launch vehicles.