Day 4, Flight sequence review and balloons

Today we performed the flight sequence review. To prevent measurement errors in the electronics from setting the next flight-event prematurely (like sustainer ignition or parachute deployment), all the events have to happen during a certain time. For example the sustainer will only be ignited between 4.4 and 5.2 seconds after liftoff. During the flight sequence review we decided between which times all the events have to happen based on the simulations.

Furthermore Daniel worked on the camera. He finished writing the software to control the camera via a laptop. The camera software is ready to be implemented in the flight software routines.

Last news is that our launch is further delayed because of the ongoing balloon campaign here on Esrange. These balloons have been waiting for good weather for almost two months now. Yesterday night and tonight the weather forecast predicted good weather but this was not the case and the countdown was stopped halfway and both launches are even further delayed. Sunday and Monday night they will try again. Because the resources of Esrange are limited they are not able to launch a balloon and a rocket at the same time. This is why all rocket launches are delayed. Hopefully we can launch at the end of next week. But if we are lucky we can even launch earlier.

The Master Control Unit of the flight computer

The Master Control Unit of the flight computer

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