Inflight Call with André Kuipers

Tuesday was another successful day for the Stratos Team. The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering organized an inflight call with André Kuipers from the International Space Station. The event was also attended by Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands. The national press covered the story and Frank Engelen, the team leader of Project Stratos was interviewed by ‘Vandaag de Dag’ in front of the new test bench of the hybrid propulsion team. The short interview can be seen here (06:23 t/m 07:52).

Before Mark Rutte entered Lecture Room A to talk to André Kuipers and students, we had an opportunity to show him the hybrid test bench. He was also so kind to take a picture with us.  Our work had left an impression as Mark Rutte referred to the test bench while talking to students in the Lecture Room.

A reception was given after the inflight call where we had the opportunity to present the test bench to representatives of the dutch space industry.

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