A Weekend of Final Preparation

On the first full weekend in Spain, not everyone in our Stratos II+ crew was resting. The weather during the weekend was not exactly your ideal sunny Iberian weekend due to a summer storm passing over. The propulsion team however had a really successful weekend. They performed valve testing during which the propulsion system is pressurized using an inert gas. This test checks if the position of the valves is ideal and if the feed system is leak free. This was a problem last year, when the launch was unsuccessful because of a leak in the connection between the main valve and the tank. The testing was successful and we are positive about the launch on Wednesday.


Stefan performing a valve test

The electronics team was very busy this weekend as well. First, went over their 10 000 point checklist.  There is a lot of little components in the flight computer, and everything from temperature, to battery voltages and the fan speeds, even the air pressure inside the capsule needs to be checked or is monitored. There is lot of engine measurements which has to be checked as well. Fortunately, this is not all done by hand, as our electronics team used automatic checklist they developed. So this is all done by computer. Second, the flight computer integration was completed. This means all the tests done were successful, for example the calibration of the sensors which detect where the rocket is and when to throw out the parachute or the wire cutting system (this actually deploys the parachutes and decouples the capsule from the rocket). Finally, they tested the in flight camera system (go pro) and the live video link. With this working as well we hope to be able to give you truly stellar views from the rocket live this Wednesday here.


Flight computer assembly and testing

The people who stayed resting, spend whole Saturday mainly inside due to a summer storm. However, in the evening, there was a game night, fun party and even a night swim in the sea, because it is important to know when to rest as well as when to work. We after all might be in for a monumental week in which sleep will be sparse.


Start with a LAN party to get into the mood, end with a rave late into the night

Sunday was bit more sunny and the beach called us to sunbath. The waves were pretty strong and some minor injuries occurred, fortunately, it was only few scratches on the knees.


The beach

Only two days left until the launch of Stratos II+. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and watch the launch live on Ubideo!

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