Day 2, Setting up the tower

Today we set up the tower in the Maxus building. This is the building from which the Maxus rockets are fired. Our rocket feels a bit small compared to the eighteen meters tall mockup of the Maxus. These giants fly to 700 km. Also the tower of the Maxus is gigantic compared to our six meter tall tower.

The Maxus building

The Maxus building


We use this building so we can prepare the rocket under room temperature and the rocket will be exposed to the cold as short as possible. Just before the launch the whole Maxus building will be rolled backwards on tracks. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? A very big building sliding backwards for only a four meter tall rocket? You would think this should fit easily. It doesn’t. The span of our tower is too large. Fortunately we found a solution.


It is not possible to give the tower the right azimuth angle and slide the Maxus building Backwards

It is not possible to give the tower the right azimuth angle and slide the Maxus building Backwards

The electronics team went cross country skiing today. Unfortunately for them they met the rest of the team later that day… Those skis are not that stable you know.


Fun in the snow

Fun in the snow

3 Responses

  1. Hennie Olthof says:

    We hoorden dat het goed weer wordt daar bij jullie.
    Al enig idee wanneer jullie de raket naar boven sturen?

    • Frank says:

      Het weet is hier prachtig. Ideaal om raketten te lanceren. Echter moeten we wachten tot dat de rexus 6 is gelanceerd voordat wij uberhaupt mogen.

  2. René van Hout says:

    Hey! Nice website and cool reports! Looks pretty cold over there! Good luck with the launch and break that altitude record!

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