Stratos team departs to Kiruna

Today the Stratos team will depart by train for a today journey that will lead them to the launch facility at Esrange. The train trip will lead through Germany, Denmark and through entire Sweden. This trip will take two days and the expected date of arrival is 2 March.

Meanwhile, the first part of the crew that left Wednesday by van with the cargo just arrived at Esrange. Their journey was without problems and they are currently unloading the van.

The team that drove the van to Sweden just before departure

The team that drove the van to Sweden just before departure

2 Responses

  1. bartje says:

    hey mannen, veel succes namens alle kamergenoten van de Penthouse.

    Wanneer gaan jullie los?

    Keep us posted.


  2. Jan-Hein says:

    succes mannen,

    Laat maar eens even zien dat we in Nederland meer kunnen dan kaas maken :-).

    De reis is in elk geval goed verlopen, nu de laatste loodjes nog.

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